2.5      Njiro Wildlife Research Centre


2.5.1    Introduction

It is a centre for appropriate technology and information on tropical bees and beekeeping. The Centre operates under Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute (SWRI) but answerable to the Forestry and Beekeeping Division,  Ministry of Tourism & Natural Resources.


There are about 50 research projects supported by Department for Foreign International Development (DFID-UIC) addressing specific problems. Each accepted project fall under one of the following programmes;


(a)    Appropriate technology     

(b) Bee behaviour and colony management

( c ) Conservation, environment and bee genetics

(d) Diseases, pests and predictors

(e) Extension and training services

(f) Pollination and bee botany


2.5.2    Exhibition by NWRC

With support from UNDP-GEF East African Crossborder Biodiversity Project & TAF the Centre exhibited  equipment and bee products shown in figure 2. The Centre buys beeswax from farmers (beekeepers). The price varies according to the quality.  It range from 1,200-2000/= per kg.  The Centre sell well-processed beeswax at 2500-3000/= per kg.


Fig. 2 Bee equipment, products and their prices:


2.5.3        Extension services and Consultancy


NWRC holds local and international courses, arranges seminars and international workshops. Currently NWRC institute is maintaining local and international contacts with a large number of individuals, NGO's and Government institutions. It does consultancy in of beekeeping-extension work, tailor made course, evaluation of projects and development work related to community based conservation.


2.5.4    Public relations and information dissemination

NWRC publishes newsletters in Kiswahili and English, pamphlets, organise study tours and demonstrations.


For more information please contact:-

The Director,
Njiro Wildlife Research Centre,
255 27-2548240,
Tel .
255 27-2507677                                    

E-Mail: Nyuki-Njiro@cybernet. co. tz.



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