An Enviromental Conservation Project


 East African

Crossborders Biodiversity Project

1998 – 2002


What is Biodiversity?

 BIODIVERSITY is defined as the variety and variation within living organisms at the genetic, specific and ecosystem levels, and the interactions between them.


This project works to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss at four cross-border sites of global significance in East Africa. It works through existing government machinery. Primary project activities include the creation of an environment in which communities and district development agencies can work together with forestry, wildlife, and environmental agencies to promote sustainable resource use.

The project also works to balance resource demand and supply through the encouragement of resource management plans and alternative economic activities. The project functions at both national and district levels.

To date, the ground work by the relevant districts has been laid down with a tremendous input from the district authorities and the steering committees. We entered into the new millennium with on ground biodiversity conservation activities with lots of support from other key players.

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